If you are removing an old tree of size from your yard. We can assist by providing a certified forester/arborist to bring it down. We will then mill it on site into useful lumber. Saving it from the landfill and possibly lowering the removal fees. These are some of the pictures of the process.

This salvage project produced some stunning slabs; presently they are in the drying stage.

This shot gives you an idea of the size of this tree.

An example of what it looks like inside. This slab is 4'+ in size!

This is the 36" bar on the mill. I now have a 5' version. This dead Maple was destined to become firewood, but now will be made into a kitchen bar top.

At 5' in lenght and 121.6cc of power to drive it this is not a job to be taken lightly!

This White Pine was blown down by a storm in 2011. A sawyer friend suggested I cut it with my mill. The slabs are drying and will be available for use soon. (Lumber takes about 1 year per inch of thickness to air dry).

Butternut is presently on the Endangered Species list and cutting is restricted. I was lucky to get this large tree which had blown down. Butternut makes great carving wood and has a silky quality when finished. Sometimes referred to as White Walnut, it is soft, so not for furniture that will take hard use.

The ability to mill my own wood provides the choice of large planks in natural or square edge. Furniture created from this quality of lumber will always be unique.

Your salvaged tree can end up as a unique and functional piece of art - Natural-edged Open Hutch.